Entry 1/3 be
Part of speech adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  [Taimoro, Tanala, Tanosy] betsaka [1.78]
 Maro, lehibe, ngeza [1.481]
 Betsaka, maro, sesehena (alohan' ny anarana mandrakariva): Be trano itỳ tanàna itỳ
Lehibe, ngeza, makadiry (aloha na aorian' ny anarana): Be kibo io rangahy io. He! izato kibo beny
Lehibe, be vava (aorian' ny anarana): Harem-be ~ Fatiantoka be izany
Lehibe, maro karazana, malaza (aorian' ny anarana): Fihinanam-be re izao! [1.1]
Explanations in English Much, many, numerous, large, great, loud. See betsaka, lehibe. This word is extensively used in compound words, especially before nouns, as bevava, besofina, great-mouthed, large-eared, etc; before other words for names of tribes, as Betsileo, etc; and after other nouns, as raibe, great grandfather, sinibe, a big water-pot, etc. It governs the accusative case, as: any aminay no be azy (There are many of them with us). [Mal. Besar, Jav. Rabe.] [1.2]
 Much, many, great
Old [1.7]
Explanations in French étant grand [1.109]
 Beaucoup, nombreux; gros, grand
Vieux [1.8]
Simple : be
Imperative : biaza
Compound words 
Analogs  betsaka ~ makadiry ~ maro ~ ngeza

Entry 2/3 be
Part of speech imperative of active verb to be [full list]

Entry 3/3 Be
Part of speech noun (symbol)
Explanations in Malagasy Singa mivaingana, fahefatra amin'ny fisokajiana miherina. [3.1]
Explanations in English Beryllium [3.1]
Explanations in French Béryllium [3.1]

Updated on 2023/06/05