
Entry (1/5)1  biby
Part of speech  2  noun
3  Names :
4  Adjectives :
Vocabulary  5  Zoology: (in general)
Explanations in Malagasy  6  Anarana ilazana ny zavamananaina tsy manantsaina, raha faritana ankapobeny: Ny omby dia anisan' ny biby manampy betsaka ny olombelona [1.1]
7  teny ilazana ireo biby ao amin'ny faritra lehibe iray [1.13]
Explanations in English  8  an animal [1.2, 1.7]
9  an insect [1.2]
Explanations in French  10  Nom générique des animaux [1.3#80]
11  animal [1.8]
12  faune [1.13]
13  insecte [Sakalava-Mayotte] [1.405]
Examples  14  Do no anaran' io biby io atý [2.69#]
15  Matory avokoa ny biby isan-toko. [1.234#]
16  Lasa ny fisainana mandinika ireto biby marobe atao fampisehoana. [2.356#]
Compound words 
Proverbs  36  Proverbs containing the word biby

Entry (2/5)37  biby
Part of speech  38  noun
Vocabulary  39  Religions, Beliefs
Explanations in Malagasy  40  angatra [Taimoro] [1.78]
Explanations in English  41  something extraordinary [1.2]

Entry (3/5)42  biby
Part of speech  43  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  44  Enti-milaza toetra ambany sy maharikoriko: Biby marina raha i Néron fa ny reny niteraka azy no nde halentiny any anaty rano [1.1]
Explanations in English  45  Fig. sensual. Beastly. [1.2]
Explanations in French  46  qui ne craint rien, ne respecte rien, bestial [1.3#80]

Entry (4/5)47  biby
Part of speech  48  noun
Explanations in English  49  in some provinces it is used in speaking of the petty king, and in others of the wives of such [Swa. Biby, my lady, my mistress.] [Provincial] [1.2]
50  used of children in Imerina [Merina] [1.2]
Compound words 

Entry (5/5)52  biby
Part of speech  53  noun
54  Names :
Explanations in French  55  Affreux, énorme, grand, nombreux [Vezo] [1.68]
Synonyms  56  bibike

Updated on 2023/08/19