
Entry (1/5)1  ho
Part of speech  2  particule
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Teny kely fametraka eo alohan' ny teny iray hanambarana ny fotoana ho avy, ka io teny ialohany io mety ho:
-- Anarana: Ny ho dokotera no kendreny
-- Mpamaritra anarana: Ho hendry aho amin' ny sisa
-- Mpisolo anarana: Ho izany tokoa!
-- Matoanteny: Ho tonga rahampitso izy / Ho vita ity rahariva (raha matoantenin' ny iharana misy tovana, mitovona ny ho: Hovitaiko ity rahariva)
-- Mpamaritra matoanteny: Ho aiza i Neny? -- Ho any an-tsena aho, anaka
4  Teny kely fametraka eo alohan' ny an- na ny mpisolo anarana misolo olona fameno (ahy, anao, azy...) ka enti-milaza ny olona voakendry ho tompon-javatra: Ho andRakoto, ho antsika
5  Teny fanao: a) eo aorian' ny matoanteny toy ny hoe atao, heverina hilazana toe-javatra tsy tahaka ny niheverana azy: Nataoko ho efa lasa ianao; b) eo aorian' ny matoanteny, toy ny hoe manao, mihevitra, mihambo, hilazana toetra tsy ananana: Manao azy ho adala, mihevitena ho mahay; d) eo aorian' ny matoanteny toy ny manova, miova, ovana: Miova ho tsara
6  Teny fampidirana ny fehezan-kevitra milaza zava-kendrena: Mihinana mba ho velona, fa tsy velona mba hihinana, na firariana: Ho tonga anie i Dada!
7  Eo anelanelan' ny mpamaritra matoanteny miverina indroa enti-milaza toerana na fotoana tsy voafaritra marina: Aiza ho aiza, eto ho eto, atsy ho atsy [1.1]
Explanations in English  8  sign of the future tense, used before consonants, as
-- tonga, v. arrived; ho tonga, will arrive
-- tapahina, v.pass. to be cut; hotapahina, will be cut [1.7]
Explanations in French  9  marque le futur; se met devant les consonnes; ex.
-- tonga, v. arrivé; ho tonga, arrivera
-- tapahina, v.pass. qu'on coupe; hotapahina, qu'on coupera [1.8]
Compound words 
Tables and plates  36  All the particles

Entry (2/5)37 
Part of speech  38  preposition
Explanations in Malagasy  39  tahaka, sahala [Tanosy] [1.78]
Tables and plates  40  All the prepositions

Entry (3/5)41  ho
Part of speech  42  adverb
Explanations in Malagasy  43  toa, toy ny, toy izany: hô fary, ny lohany indray botsa [Tanosy] [1.78]
Compound words 
Tables and plates  46  All the adverbs

Entry (4/5)47  ho~
Part of speech  48  prefix

Entry (5/5)49  Ho
Part of speech  50  noun (symbol)
Vocabulary  51  Chemistry
Explanations in Malagasy  52  Singa mivaingana, faha-67 amin'ny fisokajiana miherina. [3.1]
Explanations in English  53  Holmium. [3.1]
Tables and plates  54  Periodic Table

Updated on 2024/09/07