Entry 1/8 tanatanampotsy
Part of speech noun
Explanations in French (déformation de tanantanampotsy). Nom du Pignon d'Inde, Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) et de diverses autres plantes fournissant comme lui des huiles d'éclairage. [1.196]
Scientific name Jatropha curcas

Entry 2/8 tanatanampotsy
Part of speech noun
Explanations in French  [Bezanozano, Merina, Sihanaka] Homalium sp. (Salicaceae) [1.196]
Scientific name Homalium sp.

Entry 3/8 tanatanampotsy
Part of speech noun
Explanations in French  [Betsimisaraka] Blotia oblongifolia (Baill.) Leandri ; [1.196]
Scientific name Blotia oblongifolia

Entry 4/8 tanatanampotsy
Part of speech noun
Explanations in French  Cleistanthus boivinianus (Baill. ) Müll. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae)  [1.196]
Scientific name Cleistanthus boivinianus

Entry 5/8 tanatanampotsy
Part of speech noun
Explanations in French  Schizolaena exinvolucrata Baker (Sarcolaenaceae) réf. Service Forestier 2485 . [1.196]
Scientific name Schizolaena exinvolucrata

Entry 6/8 tanatanampotsy
Part of speech noun
Explanations in French  Humbertianthus cardiostegius Hochr. (Malvaceae). Réf. Service Forestier 2484. [1.196]
Scientific name Humbertianthus cardiostegius

Entry 7/8 tanatanampotsy
Part of speech noun
Explanations in French  [Betsimisaraka] (de tanatana : grand ouvert, béant ; allusion au calice largement ouvert avant que la corolle ne soit encore visible). Vitex beraviensis Vatke (Lamiaceae). [1.196]
Scientific name Vitex beraviensis

Entry 8/8 tanatanampotsy
Part of speech noun
Explanations in French  [Sihanaka] Clerodendrum arenarium var. macrocalyx Moldenke (Lamiaceae). [1.196]
Scientific name Clerodendrum arenarium var. macrocalyx

Updated on 2020/07/31