
Entry (1/3)1  mba
Part of speech  2  conjunction
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Teny mpampitohy fehezankevitra ka milaza antony hanaovan-javatra: Tonga izahay mba hijery sy hamantatra (arahin' ny "milaza ny ho avy" mandrakariva ity mba ity) [1.1#650]
Explanations in English  4  in order that [1.2#436, 1.7]
5  too, as well as; that [1.2#436]
6  in order to (followed by the future tense) [1.7]
Explanations in French  7  Particule exprimant le respect, la surprise, l’optatif; afin que [1.3#439]
8  afin que, pour que: Mitenena mafy mba ho henon'ny olona rehetra ny feonao (Parlez fort pour que tout le monde vous entende) [1.12]
9  Pour: Tsy maintsy mihinana mba ho velona (Il faut manger pour vivre) [1.66.fr#740]
10  afin de, afin que (suivi du futur) [1.8]
Compound words 
Tables and plates  14  All the conjunctions

Entry (2/3)15  mba
Part of speech  16  imperative of noun omba
Explanations in Malagasy  17  Kianteny enti-manisika hevitra.
18  Fanajana, fiangaviana raha toa ka mampiasa matoanteny amin' ny fomba mandidy; entina manalefaka kokoa izay lazaina ny "mba" fa tsy mandidy: Mba omeo kely amin' iny aho. / Mba mianara fa aza varian-daolao
19  Fanesoana: Izany hono ka mba hendry
20  Filazana sahala amin' ny "koa", izay ampiasaina miaraka aminy rahateo: Mba handeha koa aho raha mandeha ianao [1.1#650]
Explanations in English  21  a softening particle, meaning please [1.2#436]
22  used to make a request or statement more respectful; mba omeo taratasy kely aho (please, give me some paper) [1.7]
Explanations in French  23  impératif de omba : Mba hendry hianao (Soyez sage vous aussi [comme les autres]) ~ Mba tonga hianareo (Venez, arrivez vous aussi) [1.3#439]
24  qui adoucit une commande; mba omeo taratasy kely aho (veuillez me donner du papier) [1.8]
Tables and plates  25  All the noun imperatives

Entry (3/3)26  mba
Part of speech  27  particule
Explanations in Malagasy  28  Kianteny kely ampiasaina mba hampirisika na hanainga olona ho toy izao sy toy izao: Mbà hendry anaka. Mbà olom-banona (marihina fa tsy fampiasa miaraka amin' ny matoanteny amin' ny fomba mandidy itỳ mbà itỳ: Mbà mianatra tsara fa tsy mba mianara tsara; Ny "mba" manalefaka ny fomba mandidy no azo ampiarahina amin' ny fomba mandidy: Mba mianara fa aza varian-daolao) [1.1#650]
Tables and plates  29  All the particles

Updated on 2024/10/11