Entry (1/5) | 1 Ihosy |
Elementary words | 2 hosy |
Part of speech | 3 name (toponym) [Full list] |
Vocabulary |
4 Geography: towns |
Entry (2/5) | 5 Ihosy |
Elementary words | 6 hosy |
Part of speech | 7 name (toponym) [Full list] |
Examples |
8 Maroantsetra, Fenoarivo, Anivorano, ny faritanin' i Moramanga rehetra, Anosibe Anala, Manjakandriana, Ambohimiadana, Andevoranto, Vatomandry, Ambinanindrano, Ambohimanga Atsimo, Mananjary, Nosy-Varika, Sahasinaka, Vohipeno, Farafangana, Ambalavao, ihosy, Ivohibe, Vangaindrano. [2.472] |
Vocabulary |
9 Geography: towns |
Entry (3/5) | 10 Ihosy |
Part of speech | 11 name (toponym) [Full list] |
Explanations in French |
12 [3.1] affluent de laZomandao, qui prend sa source dans le massif d'Antaivondro |
Vocabulary |
13 Geography: rivers, lakes |
Illustrations |
Entry (4/5) | 15 Ihosy |
Part of speech | 16 name (toponym) [Full list] |
Explanations in French |
17 [1.11] petite rivière de la sous-préfecture de Mahanoro qui traverse le canton de Tsaravinany et se jette dans le lac d'Ihosy 170 km. |
Vocabulary |
18 Geography: rivers, lakes |
Entry (5/5) | 19 Ihosy |
Part of speech | 20 name (toponym) [Full list] |
Explanations in French |
21 [3.1] lac au nord de Mahanoro, le long du canal des Pangalanes |
Vocabulary |
22 Geography: rivers, lakes |
Anagrams | 23 Ihosy, siohi, siohy |
Updated on 2024/12/25 |