Entry 1/2 fondro
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy  [Tambahoaka] Hofan-trano, ets. [1.78]
  [Taisaka] Sarany, hofan-trano, ets [1.78]
  [Sihanaka] Hofa, hofany [1.78]
  [Tanosy] Hofa, sara [1.78]
Explanations in English  [Provincial] Hire, wages. See karama, tamby [1.2]
Explanations in French  [Taisaka] Prix du loyer [1.82]
 Reproche, blâme, censure, faute, tâche [1.3]
Synonyms fondrony

Entry 2/2 fondro
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Tsiny, fanakianana avy amin' olona, hadisoana: Miala tsiny miala fondro [1.1]
Explanations in English Blame, censure [1.2, 1.7]
 Reproach, fault. See tsiny [1.2]
 ; used in set expressions, as tsiny aman-pondro [1.7]
Explanations in French Blâme, censure, s'emploie surtout dans des locutions comme tsiny aman-pondro [1.8]
Synonyms adidy ~ soketa ~ tsiny
Compound words 

Updated on 2024/03/04