
Entry (1/2)1  Ambatomanga (vato)
Elementary words  2  vato, manga
Part of speech  3  name (toponym)
Vocabulary  4  Geography: towns
Tables and plates  5  Full list

Entry (2/2)6  Ambatomanga (vato)
Elementary words  7  vato, manga
Part of speech  8  name (toponym)
Vocabulary  9  Geography: towns
Examples  10  Raha naka voasary aman-javona aho
ento hankany ambatomanga
raha naka voasary aman'erika aho
ento hankany Antananarivo
fa ny eo no zanaky ny tsy mandalo soa
Proverbs  11  Proverbs containing the word Ambatomanga
Tables and plates  12  Full list

Updated on 2021/05/23