Entry parafara > farafara
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Fepetra ifanarahana mialoha amin' ny fifanekena ifanaovana [1.1]
Explanations in English A stipulation, terms of compact, a condition, an agreement; a clear arrangement, a preliminary arrangement. Perhaps redup. of fara. [1.2]
Explanations in French ( farafara plus usité) les stipulations, les obligations, les conditions préalables d'un pacte, d'un contrat, les préliminaires d'un traité [1.3]
Synonyms fara

Entry parafara > farafara
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Fandriana avoavo misy tongony ay tsikalany ipetrahan' ny kidoro. [1.1]
Explanations in English Anything made level and high, like a bedstead; a bedstead; the stone shelves in native tombs on which corpses are laid [1.2]
 A bedstead [1.7]
Explanations in French Boiserie d'un lit; lit [1.8]
1Tsy nisy farafara fa ladina an-tany avokoa. [2.643]
2Vao tonga dia nitombina teo ambony farafara. [2.499]
3Tonga tao ny farafara ary ny firakofana mafana. [2.895]
4Tsy nisy ny farafara fa dia ladina an-tany no fatoriany tao. [2.472]
Compound words 
Analogs  fandriana

Entry parafara > farafara
Part of speech noun
Explanations in French  [Tanosy] « Plante parasite dont la fleur longue et rouge a la forme d'une main ou d'une fourchette à cinq branches » (Rochon). Probablement une Loranthacée. [1.196]

Entry parafara > Farafara
Part of speech name (toponym) [full list]
Coordinates -24.8333333, 47.0166667
