
Entry1  mila sotasota
Part of speech  2  locution
Explanations in English  3  to seek an occasion for quarrelling. [1.2]4  to pick a quarrel, to look for a quarrel [1.7]
Explanations in French  5  chercher querelle, chercher noise [1.8]
Examples  6  Araka ireny fanaony hita any am-pitetezam-paritany ireny, dia misotro toaka lava Rangahy io, ary rehefa mamo, hono izy dia, mivoaka any an-tanàna ary mila sotasota amin' izay sendra azy. [2.472]
Synonyms  7  mila tonony, mila vaniny
Elementary words  8  mila, sotasota

Updated on 2023/06/14