
Entry (1/4)1  kobany
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Ny anatiny, ny anevanevany, ny elanelany, ny afovoany: Ravao ity tamboho itỳ fa mivohitra ny kobany. [1.1]
Explanations in French  4  le centre, le milieu, l'entre-deux, l'intermédiaire: Mivohitra ny koban' io trano io ((Le milieu du mur de cette maison est tombé) [1.3]
5  Adverbs :
Compound words 

Entry (2/4)7  kobany (koba)
Part of speech  8  noun koba and pronoun

Entry (3/4)9  kobany (kobana)
Part of speech  10  imperative of passive verb kobanina
Explanations in French  11  [1.3]
Examples  12  kobany ao anaty barika ny rano hanasana azy [1.1]
Other spellings  13  kobano
Tables and plates  14  All the passive imperatives

Anagrams  15  bonaky, boñaky, kobany

Updated on 2023/10/29