Entry heverina (hevitra)
Part of speech passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy Eritreretina: Tsy noheverinao akory ny teny holazainao
Dinihina, saintsainina, alaina ambony alaina ambany: Hevero tsara ny amin' ny ho avinao
Atao: Heverinao ho adala angaha aho? [1.1]
Explanations in English To be thought of [1.7]
Explanations in French Qu'on pense [1.8]
Present : heverina, heveriko, heverinao, heveriny, heverintsika, heverinay, heverinareo, heverin', heverin-, heverim-, heveri-
Past : noheverina, noheveriko, noheverinao, noheveriny, noheverintsika, noheverinay, noheverinareo, noheverin', noheverin-, noheverim-, noheveri-
Future : hoheverina, hoheveriko, hoheverinao, hoheveriny, hoheverintsika, hoheverinay, hoheverinareo, hoheverin', hoheverin-, hoheverim-, hoheveri-
Imperative : hevero
Compound words 

Entry heverina (hevitra)
Part of speech adjective
Explanations in Malagasy Mihozongozondoha, mihevingevina ny loha: Sady efa lehibe no manana aretina Ingahy Rakoto ka sady pahina no heverina [1.1]


Updated on 2023/01/20