Entry fanombohana (tomboka)
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Fanaovana ny fiandohan-javatra iray, fanaovana voalohany: Anio no fanombohana ny asa tanimbary
Fiandohana: Misy olona maty eo amin' ny fanombohan' ny tantara [1.1]
Explanations in French L’action de commencer, de sceller, de tatouer, d’accuser injustement, l’instrument, le cachet, le sceau, le lieu, le motif [1.3]
Compound words 

Entry fanombohana (tomboka)
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Fanasiana marika amin' ny vy mahamay, fitetehana: Didian' ny fanjakana ve ny fanombohana ny omby? [1.1]

Updated on 2023/06/14