Entry family (vily)
Part of speech noun or adjective
Explanations in Malagasy Fomba entina mamily
Ilay fitaovana ahetsi-tanana mampizotra ny fiara na ny sambo amin' ny lalana tiana halehany
Azo avily [1.1]
Explanations in French Ce qu'on peut détourner, manière de détourner [1.3]
Examples Rahefa tapitra, hoy Ingahy Ramanitromby: - Tsara fitoraka daholo, tsara family daholo ianareo! [2.270]

Entry family
Part of speech noun
Explanations in English  fianakaviana, tarakaka
karazana [1.17]
Examples Ho an' ny fanontana izay natao ny 2009, isaorana ny Flora Family Foundation, Ford Foundation, Grousebeck Family Foundation, Moriah Fund, ary ny West Foundation. [2.424]
Simple : family, families
Hyponyms Madagascar's Endemic Plant Families


Updated on 2023/10/28