Entry tahana (taha)
Part of speech passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy Enti-milaza ny vadibe nomena taha: Notahan-dRakoto Rasoa dia nampakatra bodokely indray ny anao lahy
Enti-milaza ny renirano nandatsahana vola mba ho tafita soa aman-tsara ny tena [1.1]
Present : tahana, tahako, tahanao, tahany, tahantsika, tahanay, tahanareo, tahan', tahan-, taham-, taha-
Past : notahana, notahako, notahanao, notahany, notahantsika, notahanay, notahanareo, notahan', notahan-, notaham-, notaha-
Future : hotahana, hotahako, hotahanao, hotahany, hotahantsika, hotahanay, hotahanareo, hotahan', hotahan-, hotaham-, hotaha-
Imperative : tahao

Entry Tahana
Part of speech name (biblical) [full list]
Explanations in English Tahana [2.996]
Explanations in Malagasy  [1.38]
Explanations in English Tahan [2.996]
Explanations in French Tahân [2.996]
Synonyms Tehena

Entry Tahana
Part of speech name (biblical) [full list]
Explanations in English Tahan [2.996]
Explanations in French Tahân [2.996]
Synonyms Tehena
Biblical quotes 


Updated on 2023/01/20