
Chapters and verses mentioning Gilboa

  1st Samuel 1 Samoela Samoela I 1er Livre de Samuel
1Sm / 1Sam 28.4 And the Philistines gathered themselves together, and came and pitched in Shunem: and Saul gathered all Israel together, and they pitched in Gilboa. Ary ny Filistina nivory, dia tonga ka nitoby tao Sonema; fa Saoly namory ny Isiraely rehetra, ka nitoby tao Gilboa kosa ireo. Nony tafangona ny Filistina dia tonga nitoby tao Sonama; ary Israely rehetra novorin' i Saola ka nitoby tao Jelboe. Tandis que les Philistins, s'étant groupés, venaient camper à Shunem, Saül rassembla tout Israël et ils campèrent à Gelboé.
1Sm / 1Sam 31.1 Now the Philistines fought against Israel: and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines, and fell down slain in mount Gilboa. Ary ny Filistina niady tamin' ny Isiraely, ary nandositra teo anoloan' ny Filistina ny lehilahy amin' ny Isiraely, ary niampatrampatra teny an-tendrombohitra Gilboa ny faty. Nony rafita ny adin' ny Filistina tamin' Israely, dia nandositra teo anoloan' ny Filistina ny lehilahy amin' Israely, ka lavo voan' ny ratra mahafaty teo an-tendrombohitra Jelboe. Les Philistins livrèrent bataille à Israël et les Israélites s' enfuirent devant les Philistins et tombèrent, frappés à mort, sur le mont Gelboé.
1Sm / 1Sam 31.8 And it came to pass on the morrow, when the Philistines came to strip the slain, that they found Saul and his three sons fallen in mount Gilboa. Ary nony ampitso, raha tonga haka ny zavatra teo amin' ny maty ny Filistina, dia nahita an' i Saoly sy ny zanany telo lahy niampatrampatra teo an-tendrombohitra Gilboa izy. Ny ampitson' iny, tonga handroba ny zavatra teny amin' ny maty ny Filistina, ka nahita an' i Saola sy ny zanany telo lahy nitsitra tany an-tendrombohitra Jelboe. Le lendemain, les Philistins, venus pour détrousser les morts, trouvèrent Saül et ses trois fils gisant sur le mont Gelboé.

  2nd Samuel 2 Samoela Samoela II 2ème Livre de Samuel
2Sm / 2Sam 1.6 And the young man that told him said, As I happened by chance upon mount Gilboa, behold, Saul leaned upon his spear; and, lo, the chariots and horsemen followed hard after him. Dia nanambara taminy ilay zatovo nanao hoe: Sendra tao an-tendrombohitra Gilboa aho, ary, indro, Saoly nitehina tamin' ny lefony; ary, indreo, ny kalesy sy ny mpitaingin-tsoavaly nanenjika azy mafy. Ary izao no navalin' ilay zatovo nilaza ny vaovao taminy: Sendra tany an-tendrombohitra Jelboe aho, no inty Saola nitehina tamin' ny lefony teo, efa saika tratry ny kalesy sy mpitaingin-tsoavaly mihitsy; Le jeune porteur de nouvelles répondit : " Je me trouvais par hasard sur le mont Gelboé et je vis Saül s' appuyant sur sa lance et serré de près par les chars et les cavaliers.
2Sm / 2Sam 1.21 Ye mountains of Gilboa, let there be no dew, neither let there be rain, upon you, nor fields of offerings: for there the shield of the mighty is vilely cast away, the shield of Saul, as though he had not been anointed with oil. Hianareo tendrombohitra Gilboa, Aza misy ando aman' orana intsony eny aminareo, na saha angalana fanatitra asandratra, satria tany no nandotoana ny ampingan' ny mahery, Dia ny ampingan' i Saoly, ka tsy nohosorana diloilo. Hianareo tendrombohitra Jelboe, aza misy andro aman' orana intsony eo aminareo na saha fisantaram-bokatra! Fa teo no nahararaka an-tany ny ampingan' ny mahery. Montagnes de Gelboé, ni rosée ni pluie sur vous, campagnes traîtresses, puisque y fut déshonoré le bouclier des héros!
2Sm / 2Sam 21.12 And David went and took the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son from the men of Jabeshgilead, which had stolen them from the street of Bethshan, where the Philistines had hanged them, when the Philistines had slain Saul in Gilboa: Dia lasa Davida naka ny taolan' i Saoly sy ny taolan' i Jonatana zanany tany amin' ny mponina tao Jabesi-gileada, izay nangalatra azy tao an-kalalahana any Beti-sana, ilay nanantonan' ny Filistina azy tamin' ny andro namonoan' ny Filistina an' i Saoly tao Gilboa. ka lasa Davida naka ny taolan' i Saola sy ny taolan' i Jonatasy zanany, tany amin' ny mponina tao Jabesa any Galaada, izay nanala azy tao amin' ny kianjan' i Betsàna, fony izy nahanton' ny Filistina tao, nony avy nandresy an' i Saola tao Jelboe ny Filistina. Alors David alla réclamer les ossements de Saül et ceux de son fils Jonathan aux notables de Yabesh de Galaad. Ceux-ci les avaient enlevés de l' esplanade de Bet-Shân, où les Philistins les avaient suspendus, quand les Philistins avaient vaincu Saül à Gelboé.

  1st Book of Chronicles 1 Tantara Tantara I 1er Livre des Chroniques
1Tt / 1Tan 10.1 Now the Philistines fought against Israel; and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines, and fell down slain in mount Gilboa. Ary ny Filistina niady tamin' ny Isiraely, ary nandositra teo anoloan' ny Filistina ny lehilahy amin' ny Isiraely, ka niampatrampatra teny an-tendrombohitra Gilboa ny faty. Niady tamin' Israely ny Filistina ary nandositra teo anoloan' ny Filistina ny lehilahy amin' Israely, ka lavo teny an-tendrombohitra Jelboe efa azon' ny ratra mahafaty. Les Philistins livrèrent bataille à Israël. Les Israélites s' enfuirent devant eux et tombèrent, frappés à mort, sur le mont Gelboé.
1Tt / 1Tan 10.8 And it came to pass on the morrow, when the Philistines came to strip the slain, that they found Saul and his sons fallen in mount Gilboa. Ary nony ampitso, raha tonga haka ny zavatra teo amin' ny faty ny Filistina, dia nahita an' i Saoly sy ny zananilahy niampatrampatra teo an-tendrombohitra Gilboa izy. Ny ampitson' iny, tonga handroba ny zavatry ny maty ny Filistina ka hitany niampatra teo an-tendrombohitra Jelboe, Saola sy ny zanany. Le lendemain, les Philistins, venus pour détrousser les morts, trouvèrent Saül et ses fils gisant sur le mont Gelboé.