Entry tapotsiny
Part of speech noun and pronoun
Explanations in Malagasy Tsiranorano madity fotsifotsy ao amin' atody, izay manodidina sy mambomba ny tamenany. (Ny tamenany no tonga voronkely fa ny tapotsiny kosa sakafo ivelomany)
Ny fotsifotsy ao amin' ny maso [1.1]
Explanations in English The white of an egg; the white part of wood [1.7]
Explanations in French Le blanc d'oeuf; la partie blanche d'un rondin de bois [1.8]
Examples tseroka sy atodiakoho, ny tapotsiny, aharo, dia arahiny ny ranombary sosoa, sady mivalana no miorika. [2.48]
Elementary words  ; fotsy
Other spellings 

Updated on 2024/03/09