Entry pitsony > pitsoka
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Fifandisoan-taolana
Folaka: Pitsoka ny tongony havia
Fahasimbana fanalahidy [1.1]
 Fifandisoan'ny vanintaolana [1.13]
Explanations in French Luxation [1.13]


Entry pitsony > fitsoka
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Famelezana amin' ny rantsan-kazo madinika, amin' ny teny maharary; fandaniana; fivarotana; fangalarana; fanaovana asa na zavatra vita tsara [1.1]
Explanations in English In Imerina it means a rod, a horse-whip, a twig, a flexible cane. See kapoka, vely. [1.2]
Explanations in French Action de flanquer un coup, de lancer un coup, des paroles, de dépenser, de vendre, de gripper, de faire rondement, parfaitement [1.3]

Entry pitsony > fitsoka (tsoka)
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Fomba entina mitsoka na mandefa rivotra amin' ny vava: Tsy toy izao no fitsoka afo, ry Bozy
Toetran' ny rivotra heno toa mifafy na mikapoka: Malefaka ny fitsokan' ny rivodranomasina androany [1.1]
Explanations in English  [Provincial] Whistling in a jocular manner [1.2]
Examples Tery amin' ny tendron-kazo toa nisy rivotra mahery fitsoka ihany fa nampihofahofa sy nampidoladola ny laingo malefaka rehetra; [2.643]


Entry pitsony > fitsotra (tsotra)
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Toetran' ny olona mitsotra, miampatra tsy mivonkina, na milaza ny marina tsy misy afinafenina [1.1]
