
Entry1  mandio
Root  2  dio
Part of speech  3  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  4  [1.1] Manala loto: Mandio tanàna
Manala pentina: Mandio ny fanahy ny sakramenta sasany
5  [1.78] [Tambahoaka, Sihanaka] manadio
Explanations in English  6  [1.2, 1.7] to cleanse, to purify
7  [1.2] to brighten
Explanations in French  8  [1.8] nettoyer, purifier
9  Present :
10  Past :
11  Future :
12  Imperative :
Other spellings  13  manadio
Proverbs  14  Proverbs containing the word mandio

Anagrams  15  andomy, dinamô, donaim, idonam, mandio, manody, midonà, midona, mindao, mionda, namody, naodim, nodiam

Updated on 2025/02/05