
Entry (1/3)1  manangona (angona)
Part of speech  2  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Manao izay hahatonga olona maro amin' ny toerana iray: Manangona ny mpianatra rehetra ny lehiben' ny sekoly [1.1]
4  Mamory zavatra betsaka hotehirizina: Manangona loto no raharahan-dRangahy iny [1.1]
5  Mampivondrona: Nanangona ny heriny rehetra izy dia nitsambikina [1.1]
Explanations in English  6  To collect, to assemble, to gather things or persons together. [1.2]
Explanations in French  7  Rassembler, accumuler [1.13]
Examples  8  Tsy maintsy manangona hery tsara amin' ny fitondrana azy an-doloha ho ery amin' ny gara, iny alina iny ihany. [2.470]
9  Present :
10  Past :
11  Future :
12  Imperative :
Proverbs  13  Proverbs containing the word manangona

Entry (2/3)14  manangòna (angona)
Part of speech  15  imperative of active verb manangona
Tables and plates  16  All the active imperatives

Entry (3/3)17  manangona
Part of speech  18  noun
Vocabulary  19  Botany
Explanations in French  20  (de manana : prendre, avoir, et gona : les coups). Sakoanala villosa R.Vig. (Fabaceae). Bois sans grand intérêt. Voir aussi sakoanala. [1.196]
Scientific name 

Anagrams  22  manangano, manangona, manongana

Updated on 2023/01/20