
Entry1  mahazo (azo)
Part of speech  2  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Tonga, manjary manana: Nahazo namana mahafatra-po aho nahita azy
4  Mandray, tonga tompon-javatra: Nahazo vola be izy tamin' io raharaha io
5  Voan' (ny aretina): Nahazo aretin-kibo aho tany amin' ny nalehako tany
6  Mahasambotra: Iza aminareo no nahazo itỳ trondro gasy ity?
7  Mahatakatra hevitra: Tsy nahazo akory izay novakiny izy [1.1]
Explanations in English  8  to get, to have, to obtain, to possess, to win, to acquire, to comprehend. The relative ahazoana is most frequently changed in pronunciation to ahazahoana. [1.2]
9  to get, to acquire; to understand [1.7]
Explanations in French  10  gagner, obtenir; comprendre [1.8]
Examples  11  mahazo tombony tsy mba mizara. [2.69#]
12  Inona ihany ity mahazo ahy ity? [2.4#]
13  Koa tsy aleo mba mahazo aminay? [2.298#47]
14  Present :
15  Past :
16  Future :
17  Imperative :
Compound words 
Proverbs  24  Proverbs containing the word mahazo

Updated on 2023/06/13