
Entry1  henoina (heno)
Part of speech  2  passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Atao re, atongilana ny sofina mba handre: Henoy ny hiran' ny ankizy
4  Ekena: Henoy ny fangatahanay, tompoko. [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  to be hearkened to, to be listened to, to be attended to. [1.2]
Explanations in French  6  qu'on écoute [1.5]
Examples  7  Ary henoina matetika ny fiainany, ka toy ny matory. [2.59]
8  Misy diska henoina mandritry ny antsasak' ora maninjitra. [2.332]
9  Tsara henoina ny teninareo», hoy ireo namana frantsay nandre ny feonay. [2.356]
10  Present :
11  Past :
12  Future :
13  Imperative :
Proverbs  14  Proverbs containing the word henoina

Updated on 2023/01/20