Entry fezahina (fezaka)
Part of speech passive verb
Explanations in Malagasy Ankahiazina, fisahina [1.1]
Explanations in English To be made to be sunk in, as the stomach from want of food; to be flattened, made to sink, etc., as clay or mortar. [1.2]
Present : fezahina, fezahiko, fezahinao, fezahiny, fezahintsika, fezahinay, fezahinareo, fezahin', fezahin-, fezahim-, fezahi-
Past : nofezahina, nofezahiko, nofezahinao, nofezahiny, nofezahintsika, nofezahinay, nofezahinareo, nofezahin', nofezahin-, nofezahim-, nofezahi-
Future : hofezahina, hofezahiko, hofezahinao, hofezahiny, hofezahintsika, hofezahinay, hofezahinareo, hofezahin', hofezahin-, hofezahim-, hofezahi-
Imperative : fezaho

Updated on 2023/01/20