Entry Sakalava
Part of speech name (ethnonym)
Explanations in Malagasy Anaram-poko lehibe monina amin' ny tany anelanelan' Ampasimena, avaratra, hatrany Toliary, atsimo, ary ny atsinanana, voafaritry ny tandavan-tendrombohitra mamaritra ny tanin' ny Marina. Azo zaraina ho faritra efatra lehibe ny Sakalava, izay ireto avy raha asesy avy avaratra: i boina (renivohitra mahajanga), ambongo (renivohitra besalampy), i menabe (renivohitra morondava), ary i fiherenana (renivohitra toliary) [1.1]
Explanations in French Peuple habitant la côte ouest, nor [...]
Sakalavan' i Menabe: les habitant [...]
Sakalava avaratra: les Sakalava d [...]
Sakalavan' i Boina: les habitants [...]
Sakalava masikoro: les éle [...]
Sakalava vezo: les pêcheurs [...] [full text in 1.5]
Compound words 
Hyponyms Andolo
Contes Populaires des Sakalava et des Tsimihety
Divine Kingship and the Meaning of History among the Sakalava of Madagascar
Vocabulaire et Grammaire Sakalava et Betsimisaraka
Vocabulaire Sakalava-Merina-Français
Analogs  Masikoro ~ Vezo
Tables and plates Dialectal words

Updated on 2020/07/31