
Entry (1/2)1  mifafa (fafa)
Part of speech  2  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Manala ny loto, fako, potipoti-javatra amin' ny kifafa: Mifafa tokotany isa-maraina ny olona madio [1.1]
Explanations in English  4  To sweep, to wipe, to clear away. [1.2]
Examples  5  Nohararaotiny ny zava-misy handiovana indray mifafa ny rivotra politika eto Madagasikara. [2.472]
6  Present :
7  Past :
8  Future :
9  Imperative :
Synonyms  10  mamafa
Compound words 
Proverbs  12  Proverbs containing the word mifafa

Entry (2/2)13  mifafĂ  (fafa)
Part of speech  14  imperative of active verb mifafa
Tables and plates  15  All the active imperatives

Anagrams  16  fifama, mifafa

Updated on 2023/09/09