

Sal 34:1 I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. Nataon' i Davida tamin' izy nody adala teo anatrehan' i Abimeleka, dia noroahiny ka lasa nandeha. Hisaotra an' i Jehovah lalandava aho; ho eo am-bavako mandrakariva ny fiderana Azy. Nataon' i Davida, tamin' izy nody adala teo anatrehan' i Abimeleka, ka noroahiny izy, dia lasa. De David. Quand, déguisant sa raison devant Abimélek, il se fit chasser par lui et s' en alla.
Sal 34:2 My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. Jehovah no reharehan' ny fanahiko; hahare izany ny mpandefitra ka ho faly. ALEPH Te-hisaotra an' ny Tompo mandrakariva aho; ho eo am-bavako mandrakariva ny fiderana azy. Je bénirai Yahvé en tout temps, sa louange sans cesse en ma bouche;
Sal 34:3 O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. Miaraha mankalaza an' i Jehovah amiko; ary aoka hiara-manandratra ny anarany isika. BETH Iaveh no ireharehan' ny fanahiko; aoka handre sy hifaly ny manetry tena. en Yahvé mon âme se loue, qu' ils écoutent, les humbles, qu' ils jubilent!
Sal 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Mitady an' i Jehovah aho, dia mamaly ahy Izy ka manafaka ahy amin' ny tahotro rehetra. GHIMEL Miaraha amiko hianareo hankalaza an' ny Tompo: aoka isika hiara-midera ny anarany. Magnifiez avec moi Yahvé, exaltons ensemble son nom.
Sal 34:5 They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed. Mijery Azy ireo ka miramirana, sady tsy mangaihay ny tavany. DALETH Nitady an' ny Tompo aho, dia nihaino ahy izy, ary nanafaka ahy tamin' ny tahotro rehetra. Je cherche Yahvé, il me répond et de toutes mes frayeurs me délivre.
Sal 34:6 This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. Ity olo-mahantra ity niantso, dia nihaino Jehovah ka namonjy azy tamin' ny fahoriany rehetra. HE Raha mitodika azy ny olona dia miramiran' ny hafaliana, VAV ary tsy safo-kenatra ny tavany. Qui regarde vers lui resplendira et sur son visage point de honte.
Sal 34:7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. Ny Anjelin' i Jehovah mitoby manodidina izay matahotra Azy ka mamonjy azy. ZAIN Niantso ity olo-mahantra, dia nohenoin' ny Tompo, sy novonjeny tamin' ny fahoriany rehetra. Un pauvre a crié, Yahvé écoute, et de toutes ses angoisses il le sauve.
Sal 34:8 O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. Andramo ka izahao fa tsara Jehovah; sambatra izay olona mialoka aminy. HETH Ny anjelin' ny Tompo mitoby, manodidina izay matahotra azy, ka mamonjy azy. Il campe, l' ange de Yahvé, autour de ses fidèles, et il les dégage.
Sal 34:9 O fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. Matahora an' i Jehovah, ianareo olony masina;fa tsy hanan-java-mahory izay matahotra Azy. TETH Andramo ka zahao ange izany hatsaran' ny Tompo. Sambatra ny olona manao azy ho fialofany. Goûtez et voyez comme Yahvé est bon; heureux qui s' abrite en lui!
Sal 34:10 The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. Na dia ny liona tanora aza tsy ampy hanina ka noana. Fa izay mitady an' i Jehovah kosa dia tsy ho orin-java-tsoa akory. YOD Matahora an' ny Tompo hianareo olo-masiny, fa tsy ho voan' ny fahantrana izay matahotra azy. Craignez Yahvé, vous les saints qui le craint ne manque de rien.
Sal 34:11 Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Avia, anaka, mihainoa ahy; ny fahatahorana an' i Jehovah no hampianariko anareo. KAPH Ny liona tanora mety noana amam-tsy ampy hanina ihany, fa izay mitady an' ny Tompo tsy orin-java-tsoa akory. Les jeunes fauves sont dénués, affamés; qui cherche Yahvé ne manque d' aucun bien.
Sal 34:12 What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good? Na iza na iza ianao no maniry fiainana ka tia andro maro hahitana ny soa, LAMED Avia, anaka, mihainoa ahy, hampianariko ny fahatahorana an' ny Tompo hianareo. Venez, fils, écoutez-moi, la crainte de Yahvé, je vous l' enseigne.
Sal 34:13 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. Dia arovy ny lelanao amin' ny ratsy ary ny molotrao mba tsy hiteny fitaka. MEM Iza no olona mankamamy ny aina, iza no maniry andro lava hanaranam-po amin' ny fahasambarana? Où est l' homme qui désire la vie, épris de jours où voir le bonheur?
Sal 34:14 Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. Halaviro ny ratsy, manaova soa; mitadiava fihavanana, ka araho izany. NUN Arovy amin' ny ratsy ny lelanao, ary amin' ny teny fitaka ny molotrao. Garde ta langue du mal, tes lèvres des paroles trompeuses;
Sal 34:15 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. Ny mason' i Jehovah dia mitsinjo ny marina, ary ny sofiny mihaino ny fitarainany. SAMECH Mandosira ny ratsy ary manaova ny tsara, mitadiava fihavanana ary katsaho izany. Evite le mal, fais le bien, recherche la paix et poursuis-la.
Sal 34:16 The face of the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. Ny tavan' i Jehovah tezitra amin' ny mpanao ratsy kosa, mba hofongorany tsy ho eo amin' ny tany ny fahatsiarovana azy. AIN Ny mason' ny Tompo mitsinjo ny marina ary ny sofiny mihaino ny fitarainany. Pour les justes, les yeux de Yahvé, et pour leurs clameurs, ses oreilles;
Sal 34:17 The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. Mitaraina ny marina, ary mihaino azy Jehovah ka mamonjy azy amin' ny fahoriany rehetra. PHE Ny tavan' ny Tompo manandrina ny mpanao ratsy, mba hamongorany ny fahatsiarovana azy eo amin' ny tany. contre les malfaisants, la face de Yahvé, pour ôter de la terre leur mémoire.
Sal 34:18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Akaikin' izay manana fo mangorakoraka Jehovah, ary mamonjy izay torororo fanahy. TSADE Fa mitaraina kosa ny marina, dia mihaino azy Iaveh, ka manafaka azy amin' ny fahoriany rehetra. Ils crient, Yahvé écoute, de toutes leurs angoisses il les délivre;
Sal 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. Maro ny fahorian' ny marina; nefa Jehovah manafaka azy amin' izany rehetra izany. KOPH Eo akaikin' izay torotoro Iaveh, ary mamonjy izay rera-panahy izy. proche est Yahvé des coeurs brisés, il sauve les esprits abattus.
Sal 34:20 He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken. Miaro ny taolany rehetra izy; tsy hisy ho tapaka ireny na dia iray akory aza. RESCH Iharam-pahoriana matetika ny marina, fa esorin' ny Tompo amin' izany rehetra izany kosa. Malheur sur malheur pour le juste, mais de tous Yahvé le délivre;
Sal 34:21 Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate. Hahafaty ny ratsy fanahy ny fahoriana; ary ny mankahala ny olo-marina hohelohina. SCHIN Miaro ny taolany rehetra izy, tsy hisy ho tapaka ireny, na dia iray aza. Yahvé garde tous ses os, pas un ne sera brisé.
Sal 34:22 The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate. Fa Jehovah manavotra ny fanahin' ny mpanompony, ka tsy mba hisy hohelohina izay rehetra mialoka aminy. THAV Ny ratsy no mahafaty ny ratsy fanahy; ary sazina ny mpankahala ny olo-marina. Le mal tuera l' impie, qui déteste le juste expiera.
Sal 34:23 Fa avotan' ny Tompo kosa ny fanahin' ny mpanompony; ary tsy misy faizina izay rehetra mialoka aminy. Yahvé rachète l'âme de ses serviteurs, qui s' abrite en lui n' expiera point.
