
Entry voalohany (aloha)
Part of speech adjective or adverb
Explanations in Malagasy Loha laharana, ny aloha indrindra: Ny volana zanvie no volana voalohany amin' ny taona
Fiandohana: Tany am-boalohany [1.1]
Explanations in English The first in the ordinal numbers. [1.2]
 First, the first [1.7]
Explanations in French Premier [1.3, 1.8]
Qui est en tête [1.3]
 Le premier
En premier lieu [1.8]
1Izany no hatao voalohany indrindra. [2.324]
2- Efa ho telopolo taona lasa izay no nidirako tato voalohany, hoy izy. [2.471]
Simple : voalohany, voalohan', voalohan-, voaloham-
Prefixed : -boalohany, -boalohan', -boalohan-, -boaloham-

Updated on 2023/06/19