
Entry samy
Part of speech pronoun [full list]
Explanations in Malagasy Mpisolo anarana malala-kevitra fametraka eo alohan' ny matoanteny na mpamaritra milaza toetra ka ny heviny dia hoe: rehetra ary tsirairay: Samy naka boky telo avy izy mirahavavy ~ Samy tsara ny raozy sy ny lisy [1.1]
Explanations in English Both, each, every one [1.7]
Explanations in French Chacun, l'un et l'autre [1.8]
1Samy manana ny tiany. [2.296]
2Samy naka aina aloha. [2.4]
3Samy tia, samy manina. [2.69]
Simple : samy
Prefixed : -tsamy
Imperative : samia
Tables and plates all the pronouns

Updated on 2023/08/11