
Entry1  odifady
Root  2  ody, fady
Part of speech  3  noun
Explanations in English  4  [fady, a taboo.] a shrub which the Sakalava suppose to possess the power of a taboo. Also a leguminous prickly shrub supposed to possess the property of preventing people from eating what is injurious to them; moreover, if anything of the kind has been eaten, a decoction made from this plant is drunk. [Sakalava] [1.2]
Explanations in French  5  (de fady : interdit rituel, tabou). Lorsqu'on avait transgressé un tel interdit il fallait absolument offrir un sacrifice et se purifier. A cet effet on prenait un bain préparé avec les rameaux de la plante elle-même appelée odifady. [1.196]
Vocabulary  6  Botany: grass

Updated on 2020/07/31