
Entry (1/5)1  manaja (haja)
Part of speech  2  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Manome voninahitra: Manajà ny ray aman-dreninao mba ho ela velona ianao [1.1]
4  Manao hozavatra, miraharaha, manampo: Manaja fotoana ~ Manaja ny raharahany izy [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  To respect, to regard, to revere. [1.2]
6  To show respect to, to honor [1.7]
Explanations in French  7  Respecter, honorer [1.8]
8  Present :
9  Past :
10  Future :
11  Imperative :
Compound words 
Proverbs  13  Proverbs containing the word manaja

Entry (2/5)14  manajà (haja)
Part of speech  15  imperative of active verb manaja
Explanations in English  16  Honour, respect [1.26#19]
Examples  17  Manajà ny ray aman-dreninao mba ho ela velona ianao [1.1]
Tables and plates  18  All the active imperatives

Entry (3/5)19  mañaja
Part of speech  20  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  21  manery, mifanery [1.78]

Entry (4/5)22  manaja
Part of speech  23  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  24  manafina, mametraka [1.78]

Entry (5/5)25  mañaja
Part of speech  26  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  27  mihary [1.78]

Anagrams  28  amanja, anjamà, jamaña, majàna, manaja

Updated on 2023/10/21