Entry mamokatra (vokatra)
Part of speech active verb
Explanations in Malagasy Manome vokatra, miteraka betsaka [1.1]
1Ny zezika enti-mamokatra. [2.117]
2Antsoina hoe kotra na reraka ny tany tsy mamokatra firy. [2.117]
Present : mamokatra
Past : namokatra
Future : hamokatra
Imperative : mamokara
Compound words 

Entry mamokatra
Part of speech active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  [Tambahoaka, Tanala] Mamoaka avy any anaty tany [1.78]

Entry mamokatra (fokatra)
Part of speech active verb
Explanations in English To confess, to acknowledge. Usually applied to persons convicted by the tangena ordeal, who then owned that they were sorcerers, and disclosed what they had done, and where they found their charms, etc. [1.2]


Updated on 2023/01/20