Entry (1/4) | 1 fan~ |
Part of speech | 2 prefix [Full list] |
Explanations in English |
3 [1.2] the commencement of modal and relative nouns from verbs in man- before vowels, or where the initial consonant of the root has been rejected, or strengthened, as fanaiky, and fanekena, from aiky, or eky; fandeha, and fandehanana, from leha; fanoratra, and fanoratana, from soratra, etc. [Comp. Swa. fanya, to make to do.] the commencement of many modal nouns from verbs in man- where there has been an elision or strengthening of the initial consonant of the root, as: famono, from vono; famaky, from vaky; famafa, from fafa; fambata, from bata; it is also seen in the relative nouns from the same, as famonjena, from vonjy, etc. |
Explanations in French |
4 [1.3] préfixe formant les substantifs verbaux des verbes en man-. préfixe formant les substantifs verbaux ou relatifs de verbes en mam-: fambata, fambatama de bata; famototra, famotorana de fototra |
Morphology |
Entry (2/4) | 6 fan |
Part of speech | 7 noun |
Explanations in English |
8 [1.17] fikopaka; sahafa; milina mampiditra na mampifofofofo rivotra |
Entry (3/4) | 9 fan |
Part of speech | 10 active verb |
Explanations in English |
11 [1.17] mikopaka; mampifofofofo; manaitra, mampafana fo |
Entry (4/4) | 12 fan |
Part of speech | 13 noun |
Explanations in English |
14 [1.17] olona mafana fo manohana na mankasitraka |
Anagrams | 15 fan~, f~na |
Updated on 2021/01/30 |