Entry dimbana
Part of speech adjective
Explanations in Malagasy Tsy mitovy tantana, tsy milahatra mahitsy ka misy avo sy iva; ilazana ny tandroka izay ny iray miakatra, ny iray midina: Dimbana ny tandrok' itỳ omby itỳ
Misy banga ka tsy mitovy tantana, misy nifinifiny: Dimbana ny lelan' iny antsy iny ha tsy mahadidy tsara [1.1]
Explanations in English Irregular formation, as the horns of cattle which grow irregularly
Also, in the provinces, notched, chipped, cut, defaced [1.2]
Explanations in French  [Tankarana] Le contraire de ce qui devrait être ; qui dépasse. [1.19]
Synonyms ampelamamoly
Compound words 
Other spellings 
Tables and plates Shapes of Cattle Horns

Updated on 2024/01/18