
Chapters and verses mentioning Kenereta

  Numbers Fanisana na Nomery Fanisana Les Nombres
Nom / Fan 34.11 And the coast shall go down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of Ain; and the border shall descend, and shall reach unto the side of the sea of Chinnereth eastward: dia hidina hatrany Sefama ka hatrany Ribla any atsinanan' i Aina, dia mbola hidina ihany koa ka hipaka amin' ny Ranomasin' i Kinereta atsinanana, ary ny faritra dia midina avy eo Sefama mankany Reblà, atsinanan' i Aïna; dia mbola midina mitohy manaraka ny havoana eo an-tsisin' ny ranomasina Kenereta any atsinanana, La frontière descendra de Shepham vers Harbel, à l' orient de Ayîn. Descendant encore elle touchera la rive orientale de la mer de Kinnérèt.

  Deuteronomy Fifanekena na Detoronomia Fifanekena na Detoronomy Le Deutéronome
Deo / Dt 3.17 The plain also, and Jordan, and the coast thereof, from Chinnereth even unto the sea of the plain, even the salt sea, under Ashdothpisgah eastward. ary ny tani-hay koa sy Jordana ary ny fari-tany hatrany Kireneta ka hatramin' ny ranomasina amin' ny tani-hay, dia ny Ranomasin-tsira, eo am-bodin' i Pisga, dia ao atsinanany. mbamin' i Arabaha, ka i Jordany no faritra ao, hatrany Kenereta ka hatrany amin' ny ranomasin' ny Arabaha sy ny ranomasin-tSira eo ambodin' ny kisolososon' i Fasgà any atsinanana. La Araba et le Jourdain servaient de frontière, depuis Kinnérèt jusqu'à la mer de la Araba la mer Salée , au pied des pentes du Pisga à l' orient.

  Joshua Josoa Josoe Livre de Josué
Jos 11.2 And to the kings that were on the north of the mountains, and of the plains south of Chinneroth, and in the valley, and in the borders of Dor on the west, ary ireo mpanjaka tany amin' ny tany havoana any avaratra koa sy tany amin' ny tani-hay atsimon' i Kinerota sy tany amin' ny tany lemaka amoron-tsiraka ary tany amin' ny havoan' i Dora andrefana, amin' ireo mpanjaka amin' ny tendrombohitra any avaratra sy any amin' ny Arabaha any atsimon' i Kenereta, any amin' ny tany lemaka sy ny havoan' i Dora any andrefana, et les rois habitant la Montagne au nord, la plaine au sud de Kinnerot, le Bas-Pays, et les coteaux de Dor à l' ouest.
Jos 12.3 And from the plain to the sea of Chinneroth on the east, and unto the sea of the plain, even the salt sea on the east, the way to Bethjeshimoth; and from the south, under Ashdothpisgah: ary ny ilany atsinanan' ny tani-hay hatramin' ny Ranomasina Kinerota ka hatramin' ny ranomasina amin' ny tani-hay, dia ny Ranomasintsira, amin' ny lalana mankany Beti-jesimota, ary hatramin' ny tany atsimo eo am-bodin' i Pisga. amin' ny Arabaha, hatrany amin' ny ranomasina Kenereta any atsinanana, sy amin' ny ranomasin' ny Arabaha dia ny ranomasin-tSira any atsinanana, amin' ny làlana mankany Betisimota; ary amin' ny ilany atsimo dia hatrany am-pototry ny kisolasolan' i Fasgà. la Araba jusqu'à la mer de Kinnerot à l' orient, et jusqu'à la mer de la Araba, ou mer Salée, à l' orient, en direction de Bet-ha-Yeshimot, et, au sud, la base des pentes arrosées du Pisga.
Jos 13.27 And in the valley, Betharam, and Bethnimrah, and Succoth, and Zaphon, the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon, Jordan and his border, even unto the edge of the sea of Chinnereth on the other side Jordan eastward. ary teo amin' ny lohasaha Beti-harama sy Beti-nimra sy Sokota sy Zafona ary ny sisa tamin' ny fanjakan' i Sihona, mpanjakan' i Hesbona, sy ny amoron' i Jordana hatramin' ny amoron' ny Ranomasina Kinereta an-dafy atsinanan' i Jordana. ary eo amin' ny lohasaha, Beti-Harama, Beti-Nemrà, Sokota sy Safona, sisa tamin' ny fanjakan' i Sehona mpanjakan' i Hesebona; ary Jordany sy ny tany momba azy, hatramin' ny tendron' ny ranomasina Kenerata an-dafin' i Jordany any atsinanana. et dans la vallée : Bet-Haram, Bet-Nimra, Sukkot, Çaphôn - le reste du royaume de Sihôn, roi de Heshbôn -, le Jourdain et le territoire allant jusqu'à l' extrémité de la mer de Kinnérèt au-delà du Jourdain, à l' orient.
Jos 19.35 And the fenced cities are Ziddim, Zer, and Hammath, Rakkath, and Chinnereth, Ary ny tanàna mimanda dia Zidima Zera sy Hamata sy Rakata sy Kinereta Ny tanàna mimanda dia Asedima, Sera, Emata, Rekata, Kenereta, Les villes fortes étaient : Çiddim, Çer, Hammat, Raqqat, Kinnérèt,