Entry mirahavavy (rahavavy)
Part of speech adjective
Explanations in Malagasy Enti-milaza ny fifatoram-pihavanana misy amin' ny vehivavy roa na maro iray tampo [1.1]
Explanations in English To be two sisters, to be sisters. If more than two are meant, the number must be expressed. [1.2]
 Who are sisters [1.7]
Explanations in French être soeurs (entres femmes) [1.54]
 Qui sont soeurs [1.8]
1Akanjo voloina sy mididy mananjara no azy mirahavavy ary tablie mangabe mivaky an-damosina no an'I Lidy si I Saonina [2.470]
2asa na hihaona ka hifankahalala izy mirahavavy any hoany na tsia. [2.472]
Hyponyms Izy mirahavavy (Dox)
Izy telo mirahavavy (Andriamalala Emilson Daniel)
Analogs  mirahalahy


Updated on 2023/04/08