Entry isa
Part of speech adjective
Explanations in Malagasy Ny atao hoe isan-javatra na olona dia ny teny milaza na firy na firy ireo zavatra na olona ireo: Dimy no isan' ny rantsantanana an' ila
Teny enti-milaza ny hoe "iray" eo am-panombohana manisa: isa, roa, telo [1.1]
Explanations in English One, each, every [1.7]
Explanations in French Est toujours employé pour un, quand on commence à compter. [1.3]
 Un, chacun [1.8]
International symbols  1
I [3.1]
1Tokony ho 80 no isany [2.649]
2Tsy hita isa ny vahoaka [2.366]
3fa miovaova isanandro, isam-bolana, isan-taona [2.59]
4Ny hetra aloa dia variraiventy isan' olo-miaina sy vary roa vata isam-pangady [2.508]
Simple : isa, isany, isan', isan-, isam-
Compound words 
Hyponyms Tantaran' i Madagasikara isam-paritra
Analogs  iray ~ iraika
Tables and plates The Numbers

Entry isa
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Ny atoa hoe isan-javatra na olona dia ny teny milaza na firy na firy ireo zavatra na olona ireo: Dimy no isan'ny rantsantanana an'ila.Teny enti-milaza ny hoe "iray" eo am-panombohana manisa: isa, roa, telo...Isa fa tsy roa na safatsiroa: tokana tsy manan-tsahala (teny entina mandoka olona na zavatra maningana eo amin'ny toetra na ny hatsaran-tarehy).Isa landy: isa atoa tsiefaefatra hatrany. [1.1]
Explanations in English A number [1.7]
Explanations in French Nombre [1.3, 1.8, 1.13]
 Numéro [1.3, 1.8]
 Action de compter [1.3]
 Cardinal [1.13]
Compound words 
Analogs  Fanisana vaovao
Tables and plates Addition

Entry isa
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Hira sy haisoratra betsileo. Misy karazany efatra ny isa, dia ny isan' andravava na kilalao, ny isan-drary, ny isam-balahazo, ary ny kitari-daolao. [1.1]


Updated on 2023/06/12