Entry posera > foserana (fositra)
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Hazo ampifandilorina mba hahazoana afo [1.1]

Entry posera > foserana (fositra)
Part of speech adjective
Explanations in English Eaten by the fositra, as sugar-cane, maize, etc. [1.2]

Entry posera > foserana (fositra)
Part of speech passive verb
Explanations in English To be urged importunately. [1.2]
Present : foserana, foserako, foseranao, foserany, foserantsika, foseranay, foseranareo, foseran', foseran-, foseram-, fosera-
Past : nofoserana, nofoserako, nofoseranao, nofoserany, nofoserantsika, nofoseranay, nofoseranareo, nofoseran', nofoseran-, nofoseram-, nofosera-
Future : hofoserana, hofoserako, hofoseranao, hofoserany, hofoserantsika, hofoseranay, hofoseranareo, hofoseran', hofoseran-, hofoseram-, hofosera-

Entry posera > fosera
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy  [Sakalava] Karazana horitra [1.78]
